Ladies you are invited to this workshop along with your partner, free for ladies while men pays and kindly share with friends and your network.

Registration is necessary for Confirmation for this Workshop. Should you need to contact us for tickets inbox details to info@adcenter-ireland.com

Please, direct payments for Registration to participate, please add your name/organisation as reference when payment is made.
O Komolafe AIB Bank;
Account Number 07735075
Sort Code 932396
IBAN IE30AIBK93239607735075

Kindly get in touch and the support will be appreciated. Susuana

Susuana engaging Pastor Tunde Adebayo Oke in a conversation on Sexuality as a Christian @
"Time with Wise Men"
He made my Day with his presence.

I have come to know him for a while and at a distance, but recently engage to know him a bit closely when we meet at a close friend and family friend event in Belfast where he attended with his close personal assistant who is now also a friend. He his charming and full of grace. He inspire strength and confidence in you.
Pastor Tunde Adebayo-Oke I believe is a charismatic leader who inspires confidence and is respected by those he leads. It was clear in his leadership style that he is mindful of the grace of God in his life and this is reflected in the humility, responsibility and integrity he demonstrates in leadership and his approach to the questions ask while he engage with the participant at the workshop.

I believe that his words will be strength for the men that were at the workshop to build strong personal relationship with the Lord Jesus and their sexual life as a Christian in their homes and relationships;
He Talks, “About the important of friendship in a relationship and among couples which will strength their sexual intimacy ”.
He also believe that a woman can take out 10's of men and their is know reason for any man to have more than one, knowing strength wise. He made everyone comfortable in sharing and speak the truth of the word of God through his knowledge of the true book bible.
He emphasis that a "Wise Man" need more of personal discipline, with dedication to prayer.
He is a true Pastor in the sense of being very approachable and developing genuine care and respect for the people in his charge; he is an embodiment of a true servant with great leadership skills. A trained Civil Engineer, he is happily married to Pastor Caroline; a Chemical Engineer and Chattered Accountant; they are blessed with five wonderful children. Thanks

This is the participant at the test run "Sexology Clinic" workshop in promoting "Men's Health" called "Time with Wise Men" bringing together African Caribbean Migrant Irish Men and engage them in a conversation. A very big thank you to my guest Pastor Tunde Oke of the redeem church, he addresses "Sexuality & Religion" engaging men in a conversation on sexuality as a Christian. Thanks to all the participant, friends, board of directors, staff, Victoria Fashion House and Adcenter Modelling crew that showcase some men collections at the evening workshop.

Time with Wise Men workshop in conjunction with Rekindle Talent.

"A men's health issue is a disease or condition unique to men, more prevalent in men, more serious among men, for which risk factors are different for men, or for which different interventions are required for men" (Fletcher 1996)
We require you to register your interest with us today, if you're serious about being a "Man of influence". Registration will cost €35 and its important that you register to attend this workshop through our contact.
Title : Time with Wise Men on Susuana Roadshow Workshop Date: 29th Friday April, 2016 Time: 7pm - 11pm Venue: Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport

Short description: Men you're invited to Susuana Roadshow Workshop in conjunction with Rekindle Talent theme "Time with Wise Men" to engage you men in this fabulous sensitive talk, learning, educative workshop to inspire your mind, soul and body through an interactive workshop "Sexology" It will explore all area of men sex life, engage men in a dialogue on the sexual health and it will be fun and productive. The Power of Creative Moment. Let Talk Sex. its important that you register to attend this workshop through our contact.

Contact details for further information: Register with your details to info@adcenter-ireland.com / call on 0894333796/ OR Register with Rekindle
your details office@rekindletalent.org/ call+353 899 634 302
Hi Guys, You're all invited on the 29th of April @ Carlton Hotel Dublin Airport. Let Talk Sex.
This is an innovative educative workshop on "Sexology" It will explore all area of men sex life, engage men in a dialogue on their sexual health and it will be fun and productive.
This Area will be explore at the Workshop
1. Intentions and goals as men in your relationship.
2. Money, Sex, Health and Power
3. Purpose for your relationship and nurturing your sexual life
4. Self love, trusting and application
5. Be your true essence by finding purpose
Synergy is our official business partner in promoting "Men's Health" here in Ireland. Join us by buying the product, educating your self to improve your health as men and women. Join in using and sharing the goodness of the product and every time you buy one, join or drink and educate yourself, we get something in our account.

We require you to register your interest with us today, if you're serious about being a "Man of influence". Registration will cost €35 and its important that you register to attend this workshop through our
contact below.
Contact details for further information: Register with your details to info@adcenter-ireland.com / call on 0894333796/ OR Register with Rekindle
your details office@rekindletalent.org/ call+353 899 634 302
Call Project Director Noemi Santopaolo 0831581761
Research indicates that good quality sex education helps young people start their sex lives later. Sexual health promotion is important as statistics indicate that sexually transmitted infections and unplanned pregnancies are on the increase. This also tackles misinformation they may receive from the internet, TV, or other sources.
- Rekindle Talent
- HIV Ireland
- Dr Rev Livingstone Thompson
- Movember Foundation
- Irish Cancer Ireland
- Victoria Fashion House
- Synergy Team
All participant's thanks so much, your presence and support well appreciated.