Africa Day May 25th 2019
The Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) confirmed on Friday that rather than hold a large event in Farmleigh, it had decided to adopt “a fresh and collaborative” approach which encourages local authorities in Dublin and across the State to organise their own events to mark the day.
In Cavan today Adcenter is the main organisation that solely focus on Africa community and we seek for support to organise a bigger event to celebrate Africa Day May 25th 2019.
Africa Day commemorates the foundation of the African Union, which took place in Addis Ababa in Ethiopia on May 25th, 1963. It is celebrated in cities across the world. This year Africa Day in Ireland will be moderated by the different 32 Counties and hopefully that it would happen and make proper impact. "The people of Ireland and the continent of Africa share “a common past”. Africa is the continent “of promise and opportunity” in the 21st century while also the focus of global challenges.
Adcenter has being one of the leading organisation here in Ireland that focus on projecting, profiling positive image of Africans Caribbeans, Africans and people with African heritage that have integrated into Irish society and enriched the communities in which they are Living. We hope to continue and be part of the celebration at large
Recognition of the important, impact and contribution of African Caribbean in Diaspora.To engage African Caribbean in Diasporas for development, and the contributions that Diasporas in Ireland brings to the table;To improve the media presence of African Caribbean in Ireland. Adcenter champions transformation of decade African descendants living in Ireland and we say Africa Caribbean History Matters, We are campaign and petition to dedicate the month of NOVEMBER nationwide for the celebration of Africa History Month Ireland initiated by Susuana Olatunji Komolafe since 2010.