Way Paver's Recognition Award

Meet the WPRA Awardee for 2017

Meet the Awardees for 2017: Godfrey Chumbganda , Adeeyo Aderire Ademokun, Abrahams Harris, Adeola Ogunsina, Chris Onos, Chawezi banda and Philips Mckinley


Philip Mckinley is receiving an Award in "Cultural Diversity & Integration of Culture"

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Philip McKinley is a Way Paver, is one of 4 DCU chaplains based in the purpose-built InterFaith Centre, located on the Glasnevin campus, and has been in situ since 2015. Philip has been instrumental in the development of the DCU University of Sanctuary initiative, which was officially launched in December 2016, with a view to creating a culture of welcome and support for asylum seekers and refugees in the university. His charismatic and dedicated approach to making this happen is a credit to his vision and drive. I have been fortunate to work alongside Philip during this process and am constantly inspired by his values and actions.
One of the key actions of the sanctuary initiative is the support of asylum seekers and refugees through a dedicated scholarship programme, which in the academic year 2017-18 is offering 5 undergraduate scholarships and 10 DCU Connected on-line scholarships for mature students. Philip has been a key driver of this initiative, working closely with senior management staff including the president, Prof Brian MacCraith, faculty deans, the Access Office, The Registry and the Education Trust, winning hearts and minds at each stage of the process.
Another successful sanctuary initiative, which Philip has been instrumental in, is MELLIE (Migrant English Language, Literacy and Intercultural Education) project, which ran from Feb to April of this year. This involved the recruitment of 20 volunteers across the staff and student body together with 20 asylum seeker residents of Mosney Direct Provision Centre to pair up and engage in cross-cultural storytelling (an approach which we learned about through the work of Dr Peter Sheekey, the director of Dublin Intercultural Language Services). Feedback from participants of the six week pilot has been extremely positive and there are now plans to develop a longer term project, commencing in the autumn. Philip has been actively engaged in sourcing funding for this.
Philip campaigns for social justice on a daily basis, whether it be for support for refugees in Calais (summer 2016), the South Sudan Famine Appeal, the Hope Mosney Book Club or Syrians newly arrived in Ireland. His name has become synonymous with such fundraisers, raising both awareness and much needed financial support in the process. He is also supportive of a range of student-led clubs and societies, including 'Breaking Borders' a society that aims to support diversity and intercultural and interfaith dialogue, as well as the successful Enactus Society, which has just won the Enactus Ireland national championship 2017 for its multi-project portfolio of social entrepreneurial activities.
Philip was also one of the founders of the successful Discovery Gospel choir, whose mission is to spread joy, hope and intercultural dialogue far and wide. They have appeared on national TV, at concerts and festivals and their energy and vision is a fair reflection of Philip's own personal capabilities and commitments.
Philip is a wonderful communicator: on-line, on radio and TV, and in person. In his company, I have witnessed how he draws people in and engages with them on a meaningful level. He is particularly welcoming to international students, who are often a bit lost in their new environment. His amazing networking skills means that he is on first name terms with a huge variety of staff and students across the campus, and he is both appreciated and respected by all who encounter him.
I am honoured to be able to count Philip as a close colleague, collaborator and friend, and wholeheartedly support his nomination for the Way Paver's Recognition Award 2017.
Says; Veronica Crosbie Lecturer in ESOL & Intercultural Studies

Godfrey Chumbganda is receiving an Award as a Youth Advocate

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Godfrey Chimbganda is a Way Paver, "As a Youth Advocate" paving way for young African Caribbean Migrant communities to integrate with the host community.

Godfery his a Media & Enterprise- Radio Presenter on Spirit Radio, Publisher Dance Starz Magazine, Gospel Music Ireland Media Resource, Media Consultant (AIT, My Tv, View Me Tv, AfricaWorld Newspaper), recently joined the Rapzilla Team and Developed Tc Arts & Media a PR Company based in Ireland and servicing the International Youth sector, co-director- wantajob.ie. Dance -(PR,Events,Workshops, Media, Advertising) - Juste Debout 2012, Sdk Ireland 2011, International Dance Federation president Ireland Representative 2010-2013, Krump Kings Tour, Ellen Kim in Dublin, Founder Dance Expo Intl, Turbo( Uk) first visit in Ireland, Paralell Duo, Tight Eyez, Enforcer, Byron Cox, HIro ( Japan) Caleaf, Bboy Spin, Big Mijo, Pieces of House, SDK Africa & Ireland

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Adeeyo Aderire Ademokun is receiving an award under Social Entertainment Industry & Social Change
Adeeyo Aderire Ademokun is a Way Paver has I love to call him live in Drogheda, Co Louth, Ireland with his family, which consist of has I love to call him live in Drogheda, Co Louth, Ireland with his family, which consist of the wife and four children, 2 boys and 2 girls. Adeeyo loves God, he is a man skilled in his work, and serve before kings; he will not serve before obscure men. Paradise on earth visits no boring junction @ Duleek. Alias No-Boring Junction, Manager Crown Venture, Founder of Nelson Mandela Resource Center and Friends of all. He should be first remembered as a father, husband, friend, God-fearing and most of all "Making A Cultural Social Change in Ireland and all around his environment" Global Impact Socially. Always with a beautiful selfless smile, Innovative man, Creativity, Full of Ideas to create a sense of belonging. A man of the people and for the people. Executive Director at Crown Venture· January 2005 to present base in Drogheda, Ireland. He is a Graduate Student of the University of Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria and came out with an outstanding result. He has over the years perform outstandingly in the area of providing service to his community socially by catering for IT, Travel and Tourism. He started the first ever Innovative Idea of celebrating "National Pray Day for Nigerians in Diaspora" which for the first time was moderate by a prestigious woman Susuana Olatunji Komolafe and the initiative was recognized by the Nigeria Embassy here in Ireland. He is the founder of Nelson Mandela Resource Center, in Duleek where he uses the venue to create an innovative platform for all Africans Living here in Ireland to call a home. As the nominee we jointly started first of is kind Social Environment to celebrate our-self as Africans living here in Ireland and create an environment where people, young and older, rich or poor can come and be entertained , socialite without boundaries or prejudice and the project idea is called "Friday Night" which is a place to be every Friday, to forget your worries, dance, be celebrated and come to celebrate others in styles and with a touch of Klass, venue called "No-boring Junction" He is involved in activities of most organisation both in area of Business or Non-for-Profit, also he is a member of different committees of outstanding initiative here in Ireland, UK and other Africa countries. An example he is the Social PR for the initiative celebration of Positively Profiling and Projecting Africans here in Ireland "Africa History Month Ireland" He is the Cultural Director for Nigeria Carnival Ireland and also Cultural Director for Nothing Hill Festival in UK. He's the Public Relation Officer for the most outstanding event here in Ireland, to mention just a few, e.g. Ogun Day. He has received various award here in Ireland and abroad for his outstanding contribution to Social Impact with the community and he's a man you can say do Integrate well within his own community both culturally and religiously cut across both Christian and Muslim. This is just a few of his contribution to social change.
Profiling Projecting Positve Image of African Caribbean in Diaspora adcenter25@yahoo.ie