Power of Sharing!

100 AfricanCaribbeanWomenIreland

100 AfricanCaribbeanWomenIreland Who Gives a Damn and Care!

We are a group of African Caribbean women that inspires, aspires and elevate to make a change in our local community.

Together as women we make a difference, so once every quarter (Three Month) we meet and agree to differ one national or local charity lead or set up by an African Caribbean origin in a really BIG FABULOUS way!

Aim; Purpose & Objective of the Group

History and Foundation here in Ireland

Susuana Olatunji Komolafe founded the first "100AfricanCaribbeanWomenIreland" in 2016 initiating the idea of bring women from the African Caribbean living in Ireland to come together and make a change within their own communities living in Ireland and establishing groups, organisation, projects and initiatives here in Ireland. The purpose of this group is to provide fund and financial support for African Caribbean Lead Group or Organisation here in Ireland only.

To join 100 African Caribbean Women Who Gives A Damn & Care! - Ireland.
The purpose of this group is to provide fund and financial support for African Caribbean Lead Group or Organisation here in Ireland only. To support them in building their group and achieving their initiatives.

Please send details and add yourself to the group on Facebook. By submitting your info, you are agreeing to a few terms and conditions...

You agree to donate €25 to any African Caribbean Lead Organisation OR Group with "Charitable Status OR Non Profit OR Non Governmental Group base in Ireland. Selected by the majority of members, once per quarter. of the year. You agree to have your info stored. (Your info will not be shared with any external parties - promise).

If you cannot make it to a quarterly meeting, you agree to give and send your €25 open cheque or postal order to the group.
Note: You understand you can leave the group at any time you wish.

The Purpose of this group is to provide fund and financial support for Groups or Organisations here in Ireland only that are AfricanCaribbean lead with a charitable status, OR non -for-profit, OR non governmental AND social enterprise with initiatives or project of benefit to the community and growth of the group or organisation.

What We Do

Aim: To support groups and organisation in building their group and achieving their set out goals.

Objectives: To gather and come together four times in a year, meet, donate,and decide what groups or organisation to fund or support financially with our resources gather at every meeting.

Who We Are

Women; The group will consist of African Caribbean women origin that gives a damn and care, women from all works of life, background, culture, ideas, nationality but with a common goals, of giving a damn and caring women.

How does it work?

We meet for one hour, four times a year, and each member brings a donation of €25.

The group will gathers four times a year for a one-hour meeting, and each member brings their donation of €25 maximum and €5 minimum that goes to the charity that the group selects. This combined donation of €2,500+ or less will makes a real impact, without time-consuming fundraising events and planning. Our mission and our hope is to provide for those in greatest need in Ireland.

  • You are asked on your registration form to nominate a national African Caribbean lead charity and one week prior to each meeting every members nomination is put into a hat.
  • Three  maximum or two minimum names are drawn from the hat. (This will be base on available fund)
  • The charities that are pulled from the hat are then invited to send a representative to the meeting.
  • Each of the  charities  makes a 5-minute presentation about their cause at the meeting to all assembled registered members.
  • All members vote on which cause to support immediately after the presentations.
  • Votes are counted right there and then and the charity with the most votes is announced at the meeting.
  • All donations are collected at the meeting and the total donation is announced and given immediately to the group chosen by paying into their chosen account OR in cash if its a smaller group.  We only accept cash!!!. 

The top vote-getting charity then receives all the money, made out to them on the spot!

On each of four nights during the year, the 100 Women Who Gives a Damn and Care gives a maximum €2,500 or less of minimum €500+ to a local charity or non-profit right here in the community. It’s fast, simple, and amazingly effective.

This giving circle has no bank account, we are not a registered company, we have no overhead or admin expense to cover, we have a small volunteer organizing committee and rely on the registered members to support the group as a whole and offer help as needed to ensure meetings are run successfully. The simplicity and collaborative nature of the 100 Women Who Gives a Damn and Care is what makes it differ.

1 hour, €25 maximum, 4 times a year- Massive Impact! €2,500 total


1 hour,€5 minimum, 4 times a year- Massive Impact! €500 total

This is the difference you and I can make in an hour, every 3 months in a year to our own communities.

Profiling Projecting Positve Image of African Caribbean in Diaspora adcenter25@yahoo.ie