The Afro Fashion Show Ireland, under the platform of Afro in Diaspora Center present for the first time here in Ireland “African Fashion Week Ireland 2015” to showcasing and celebrating great designs from established and emerging African designers base in Ireland and around the world.


Celebrating African Fabric @ it's Best


To everyone from Adcenter and A2 Fashion. I have to say a big thank you to Almighty Jehovah for making it happen and a very big thank you to everybody, every-soul, every individual that make it a point of duty to be at the Africa Fashion Week Ireland in King House, Boyle.

The main purpose of this AFWI is to ensure that African fashion is well known and recognized throughout Ireland as part of our Diaspora Movement Matters and other part of the world as an everyday and assess-able fashion for all. The priority is to project Africa fabrics. We are working in collaboration with A2 Fashion and BolesofBoyle in Boyle town.

It was a big challenge going down to Boyle, having a fashion show in a rural setting, where the presence of African Caribbean and Migrant is rarely seen on the street or locally, a place that you don't have friends, family support, full of stranger that went all the way to support us. I really appreciate the people of Boyle Town for their immensely contribution.
I mostly appreciate everyone that came all the way from Dublin, Westford, Skerries, Ashbourne, Drogheda, you make me proud.


I have to say thank you to the locals that make effort to buy the ticket and also showed up to grace the evening. I appreciate my team, staff of King House, you are all excellent, the models thank you, the technical section head by Banjo Komolafe, Williams Santos, Grace Komolafe, Sarah Cherry all the way from Cavan. Our own Ambassador Klaudia Okros, everyone that gave friend lift from Dublin. The Samba-dancer, the backstage team, the young model which are all inspirational you make it fun. Thanks to all the Exhibitor, sponsor of spot price, designers. A big shout out to Sean O'Dowd.

I appreciate you ladies so much, Fashion Event Co. Coordinator for African Fashion Week Ireland Angela Silvia A2 Fashion you are a darling & Debola Sakinah Abdul-Ibiyeye you're a babe, a shining star. Vera Nwabuwe I miss you so much.

Thanks to sponsors and supporters of Afro in Diaspora Center, Local Diaspora Engagement Fund, A2 Fashion, Designers, Pure Flowers, Boyle County Meat, Locals Communities, King House, Boyle Family Life Center, RealBoyles, AYeLe, Makeup Artist, Dalys Pub, Photographers, Friends and Family. Designers that showcase Akani Gold By Diana Ntimane, Flavor Design, BolesofBoyle , SOM Collections Customaries Jewelleries’ Design By Ruta Medeliene, Africa accessories supply by Annie Waithira Murugi and Rebecca Omokaro . In-House Photography Sean O'Dowd and all the mobiles in the house.

Thanks to all our media partners but most especially BlackNbold Fashionhouse you rock with your innovative creative sense of projecting, profiling and promoting the Fashion Week live all around the world for everyone to see and be a part to the evening fun.
As we celebrate the Africa History Month Ireland i say thank to to all for "Making Africa Great Again"
I have to say unapologetic that the star of the day is Banjo Komolafe and Ema Amarie-Idowu they both surprise me beyond words.

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African Fashion Week Ireland 2016

@King House, Main Street, Boyle Roscommon

Every year we choose one of the model that participate in the Afro Fashion Show Ireland as the "Face of Afro Fashion Show Ireland, this year we are going to choose one of the models that participate in the "African Fashion Week Ireland 2016" as the "Face of AfroFash 2016" it can be You! King House is one of Boyle's top tourist attractions. A museum suitable for all ages, the African Fashion Week Ireland is taking place on the 12th November, 2016 to celebrate the "Africa History Month Ireland 2016" We celebrate the best of Africa here in Ireland through various cultural heritage promotion.

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The Afro Fashion Show Ireland

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The Afro Fashion Show Ireland , under the platform of Afro in Diaspora Center present the “AfroFash International Award” to showcasing and celebrating great designs from established and emerging African designers base in Ireland and around the world.

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We have had two photo-shoot now toward the preparation for the African Fashion Week Ireland 2015 by Prosper Mbemba Photography and Snoopy Brown Photos both taken place in Virginia, Co. Cavan. One is indoor and other is outdoor and all where great experiences, African Fashion Week Ireland begins, pictures from the photo shoot in Virginia, Co. Cavan, thanks to Snoopy Brown and all d models for a great work in promoting African Fabric's. 7th August and 11th was a day for the Adcenter models to show their skills.

At the Dublin AnkaraFest we celebrate the use of Ankara fabric with a Grand Fabulous Fashion Show, meet the models that will be gracing the runaway. Ankara are vibrant patterns of very rich colorful designs. It is mostly made of 100% cotton or cotton poly material.
Dutch wax prints are of foreign origin but are widely recognised as African fabrics. To bring back the earlier quote from Yinka Shonibare; “an image of 'African fabric' isn't necessarily authentically [and wholly] African”.
African print, popularly known as Ankara, has gained popularity in the global fashion scene since 2010. The material is primarily associated with Africa mainly because of the tribal-like patterns and motifs. Since it’s ascension in global fashion, much talk has focused on whether or not African fabric is authentically African given the fact that the fabric was in fact originally made in Europe.
Ankara was formerly known as Dutch wax print. It was originally manufactured by the Dutch for the Indonesian textile market. But, by mistake or design, these prints garnered significantly more interest in West African than in Indonesia. Recognizing this opportunity, the Dutch decided to focus on West Africa. As such, the prints changed to reflect African culture and lifestyle more. African print was henceforth born. As you might suspect, this is the condensed gist of the issue.

Yaqoub BouAynaya;+353-(0)87-987-4004
The ConsciousCamera African Fashion Week

The Afro Fashion Show Ireland , under the platform of Afro in Diaspora Center present for the first time here in Ireland “African fashion Week Ireland” to showcasing and celebrating great designs from established and emerging African designers base in Ireland and around the world. The event celebrate the use of Africa fabrics and costume that celebrate the best of Africa. The event will be taken place during the positive promotion and awareness of Africa History Month Ireland 2015 in November the month that is set aside to celebrate the achievement of All African Caribbean living and base in the Republic of Ireland with an interactive celebration of fashion, culture, music and talent within the World Fashion to also embrace African models gliding down the runway in hundreds of African inspired or designed outfits to the delight and excitement of its audiences highlighting the work of “Designer with the title of “African Best Designer Ireland”. We are hoping to break existing records as the brand event with the lunch of our Afro Carib Lifestyles & Achievers magazine newspaper continues to grow in popularity within the media and community as a mark for promoting causes of the use of Africa fabric in an innovative ways, uniting special talents and breaking barriers within the fashion world for African models, fabric and taste.

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The Afro Fashion Show Ireland present the African Fashion Week Ireland for the very first time under the platform of Afro Diaspora Center and this is curated by SOM PR Consultancy Firm and the show will take place in the month of November during the celebration of Africa History Month Ireland.

The African Fashion Week will promote the work of African Caribbean Designers, Models, Fabric, Costume, Heritage, Culture here in Ireland.

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The join to African Fashion Week has began with the Jamaican Jerk-fest Fashion Show on the 8th August with our Models and Designers. 

The Models are Desmond, Daneilla, Klaudia, Rivers, Erika and Jeff on the runaway at the Fairview Park wearing Abiolac Razac, Diana Ntimane and SOM Collections with the support of Sarah team.

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The Afro Fashion Show Ireland

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Profiling Projecting Positve Image of African Caribbean in Diaspora adcenter25@yahoo.ie